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100 Years and Counting!
The N2 is a flag-bearer for the Gresley Society on many heritage railways. N2 №1744 is now 100 years old and is about to complete its latest 10 year overhaul.
To keep locomotives in steam costs an enormous sum of money and we need your help to keep this priceless engine running and to pay for its next overhaul.
We really need your help: The N2 Overhaul Completion Club Two years ago, we had to appeal to you, our fellow members, for help with
2024 12 01 N2 moves to NNR v1 FUTURE OF OLDEST GRESLEY LOCOMOTIVE AGREED The Gresley Society and the North Norfolk Railway have reached an

The Gresley Society
Sustaining the Legacy
Our purpose is to study and celebrate the life and works of Sir Nigel Gresley in particular, and the works and achievements of the London & North Eastern Railway in general. As a charity we have a remit to educate, and this we do through a programme of meetings and talks, and by erecting memorials of various kinds at appropriate places.
We own and operate the oldest extant Gresley locomotive in the world, Great Northern Railway class N2 number 1744. It acts as a flag-bearer for the Society on many heritage railways.
We were first set up as an unincorporated society in 1963, but in 1998 we established a company limited by guarantee, number 3852084, and we obtained charitable status, as Registered Charity number 1081581. We currently have around 500 members.
We invite you to explore this website, and to join us if you can, to support our work.
Join Us!
The Gresley Observer
the Society's journal and this covers a wide range of subjects. It is published three times a year.
Members Meetings
are held in the Spring and Autumn, at various locations, when there are illustrated talks often by well known speakers.
The Gresley N2
The Society Owns two examples of Sir Nigel Gresley's designs; an ex-GNR Class N2 0-6-2 tank engine, No.1744, and Ex-LNER pressure ventilated Buffet Lounge Car.
... in him science is paired with imagination; he was also something of an artist.
Professor J.L. Stocks
University of Manchester, 20th May, 1936